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Inspection & Rehab
Inspection Systems
Individual Components
Rehabilitation Systems
Garbage Trucks
Automated Side Loader
Front Loader
Rear Loader
Street Sweepers
Truck Mounted
Special Truck Mounted
Airport Truck Mounted
Jet Vacs & Excavators
Vac-Con Combination Machines
Hydro Excavating
Jetter Machines
Valve Maintenance
Valve Maintenance Trailers
Valve Maintenance Skid Systems
Valve Maintenance Truck
Vacuum Trailers & Skids
Mounted Valve Exercisers
Handheld Valve Exercisers
Controllers & Software
Pipe Cutters
Hydraulic Power Units & Hoses
Valve Maintenance Accessories
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Inspection & Rehab
Inspection Systems
Inspection Systems Inspect mainlines, laterals or manholes quickly and accurately with a complete IBAK RapidView system. Navigating pipes 4” and up, our standard or high-def systems capture every pipe detail.
Individual Components
Individual Components Customize an inspection system or make quick repairs with our robust inventory of in-stock parts. Choose from a wide range of video cameras, tractor bodies, reels, controllers, and more.
Rehabilitation Systems
Rehabilitation Systems Cut and grind through tough material with the powerful, electric Migrogater® 2.0. Its extended cable lengths and quiet, but powerful cutting motor make this the most advanced cutter on the market.
Software All IBAK systems integrate with the full spectrum of industry-leading software. Easily log observations, manage data and generate reports with the software of your choice.
Vehicles From ATVs to customized high cube trucks, you have a wide range of choices for how to transport your crew and equipment. Built to your specifications with a priority on safety and productivity in the field.
Garbage Trucks
Automated Side Loader
Automated Side Loader Choose from New Way’s rugged and efficient automated side loaders, the Sidewinder XTR™ Automated Side Loader or ROTO PAC®. Each large body capacity truck is operated by a single driver for maximum crew efficiency.
Front Loader
Front Loader We offer two front-loader body styles to ensure you get the right truck to meet your refuse collection needs. Each version of the Mammoth front loader is built with quality, durability and superior strength.
Rear Loader
Rear Loader With a model to fit the needs of any size waste management operation, New Way rear loader refuse trucks are designed to provide industry-leading trash compaction, durability, and productivity.
Street Sweepers
Compact Sweepers We provide a full range of compact sweepers from two cubic yards up to seven cubic yards, designed for maximum maneuverability in confined urban surroundings.
Truck Mounted
Truck Mounted Sweepers Our selection of reliable and dependable truck mounted sweepers gives you options so you get the right sweeper for the job—from single engine hydrostatic truck mounted sweepers to twin engine sweepers.
Special Truck Mounted
Special Truck Mounted Sweepers Our specialty range of truck mounted sweepers adapts to your specific application–from pedestrian areas to streets, roads and industrial sites. A large hopper, high capacity fan and adaptable brush gear ensures you can meet any demanding job.
Airport Truck Mounted
Airport Truck Mounted Our multi-tasking air sweeper is built to address the key surface cleansing needs of all sizes of airports in any environment. The specialized high speed runway sweeper is constructed to handle large foreign object debris.
Jet Vacs & Excavators
Vac-Con Combination Machines
Van-Con Combination Machines Vac-Con heavy-duty combination machines offer top value by combining water excavation and vacuum loader systems, without compromising performance, power, or ease of operation. Maximize ROI and productivity.
Hydro Excavating
Hydro Excavating Vac-Con hydro excavators are built with top quality pumps, blowers, and control systems. Whether excavating, trenching, or daylighting, you can expect top performance under tough conditions.
Jetter Machines
Jetter Machines Versatile and powerful, Vac-Con’s line of jetter machines are designed with the power to clean the toughest sewer lines, storm drains and catch basins. Choose from a range of vehicle sizes, from trailers to high cube trucks.
Valve Maintenance
Valve Maintenance Trailers
Valve Maintenance Trailers Our Valve Maintenance Trailers, designed to carry the highly versatile ERV-750, and in the case of the Grand LX the powerful TM-7 SD Plus, are the industry standard for a completely upgradable, versatile platform designed to transport all the valve maintenance and vacuum tools needed in the field. Built to withstand the rigors of years of service, it’s the perfect solution for municipalities or contractors looking for a rugged, long lasting self contained system. Wachs VMT Valve Maintenance Trailers offer the advantage of any medium duty pickup truck being able to tow it, so there is no need to have a fleet vehicle exclusive to the task. This is often preferred by small to mid-size municipalities with limited fleet units. You can specify exactly the model and configuration that that fits your budget and your workflow.
Valve Maintenance Skid Systems
Valve Maintenance Skid Systems So which is the best vehicle platform to select for a valve maintenance system? Is it a dedicated trailer that can be towed behind your fleet trucks, or a skid system that has Wachs components bolted down to a steel skid, that in turn can be easily mounted to any medium duty flatbed truck? The answer is they are both a good choice, but it fully depends on your needs and preferences. Wachs VMS Valve Maintenance Skid mounted systems are a popular choice. In the past equipment was shipped as individual components to the customers upfitter, who would then perform a labor and cost intensive custom installation right to the trucks flatbed. Wachs skid systems pre-install and pre-wire all the system components to a metal skid, ready to run, which only requires a few bolts to mount it to the truck flatbed, eliminating much of the labor expense. The skid that the equipment mounts to consists of 3” tall formed and welded frame with integrated 8” full length fork slot tubes. By mounting the skid system directly to a medium duty flatbed truck, it offers the advantage of a self-contained, specialized truck that requires no trailer connections,…
Valve Maintenance Truck
Valve Maintenance Truck Package Custom Service Body with Integrated Wachs Valve Maintenance Skid Wachs has partnered with Knapheide to create the most efficient and complete valve maintenance truck, equipped with maximum storage and delivering unparalleled power and versatility. To begin, order your chassis cab fleet vehicle from your preferred dealer to meet all applicable federal, state and local regulations. Wachs Utility Products has no involvement with the truck chassis cab itself, beyond ordering recommendations and specifications. Wachs strongly recommends custom ordering your vehicle to ensure it meets these minimum required specifications: Minimum rating of 19,500 GVRW Cab to axle length of 84 inches (213.4 cm) OEM high output 300 amp or dual alternator arrangement (to supply the custom service body’s 200 amp power inverter load, plus the truck’s electrical load) OEM upfitter switches OEM rearview camera and prep kit OEM backup alarm Drop ship your truck chassis cab to Knapheide using site codes: Chevy 132052, Ford 88QNR4, Ram T8569. Upon delivery of your vehicle Knapheide will upfit the custom service body onto your chassis cab. They will then install Wachs Service Body Skid, available with diesel or gasoline power (tied to the vehicle’s engine type) to the custom service body, complete with…
Vacuum Trailers & Skids
Vacuum Trailers and Skids Wachs Hydro-Vac prevents underground damage, while offering a more accurate way to excavate soil and locate underground utilities. Built off our Wachs Standard Builder Trailer or Skid platforms, it can be configured just the way you want it, built exactly to fit your needs and budget. Its future upgrade path means you can order what you need today, knowing that you can upgrade the trailer tomorrow. The Standard Builder allows for an ala carte selection of our standard valve maintenance modules to be installed onto our heavy duty trailer. The Builder platform’s upgrade path offers maximum versatility – for example, configure a Hydro-Vac trailer with hydraulics today, add a ERV-750 Valve Exerciser later. Available in either diesel or gas powered models, they feature a positive displacement blower providing 500 CFM-11 in Hg vacuum and 250 gallon spoils tank to remove debris. Wachs Hydro-Vac is also well suited for locating utilities, trenching and excavating. Our Trav-L-Vac 300 is a popular option for basic vacuum needs. Designed for valve box cleaning and excavation, the Trav-L-Vac 300 handles solid and liquid debris safely and quickly. Available as a compact trailer for towing to job sites, or as a skid…
Mounted Valve Exercisers
Mounted Valve Exercisers Turning, operating or exercising valves are different ways of describing a vital task in maintaining water infrastructure. Wachs Utility Products mounted exercisers are the ideal tools for operating or exercising valves, and for hard to reach valves and fast shut downs. An organization can have hundreds or even thousands of valves that must be “exercised”, the process of running a valve through its full cycle to prevent sticking or freezing caused by factors such as tuberculation. For water organizations of all sizes Wachs Utility Products ERV-750 is the ideal valve exerciser. The ERV-750 Extended Reach Valve Operator is the first choice of water system operators everywhere. It features hands free operation with an extendable arm that reaches out 13ft (3.96m) and provides 750 ft/lbs (1015 Nm) of torque, even when fully extended. The support system utilizes dual pivot points to reach over to any curbside valve box or hydrant, with a locking disc brake that holds the full torque of the machine while operating. The ERV-750 is offered in Low Stack models for mounting to trailers, skids, and flatbed trucks, plus a High Stack version for bumper mounting. Wachs TM-7 safely implements AWWA valve exercising procedures on…
Handheld Valve Exercisers
Handheld Valve Exercisers Turning valves and valve handwheels is a vital task in maintaining water infrastructure. An organization can have hundreds or even thousands of valves that must be controlled, or in some industries “exercised”, the process of running a valve through its full cycle to prevent sticking or freezing caused by factors such as tuberculation. When a valve is connected to steel or ductile iron pipe has not been exercised regularly, dirt, rust and sediment known as tuberculation builds up around the valve, making it difficult or impossible to manually operate it when the need arrives, say during a water main break. Worse, simply putting too much force on the valve trying to turn it can break the valve stem, leaving costly replacement as the only option. Wachs Pow-R-Drive 2, or P-2, along with the RS-2 handheld exercisers (operators) are the ideal tool for operating or exercising handwheel and rising stem valves, and are available in three different drive options. The P-2 is offered in your choice of high torque (HT) or high speed (HS) models, while the RS-2 is designed for use with rising stem valves. Wachs handheld valve exercisers increase productivity, operator safety and valve protection. They…
Controllers & Software
Controllers & Software Some water municipality suppliers do a great job with software. Some manufacturers do a great job with hardware and equipment. Wachs Utility Products do a great job with both, offering our VITALS software on many of our systems. Our bestselling trailer, skid, and truck-mount valve maintenance systems use a powerful handheld controller equipped with our industry exclusive VITALS. VITALS is an acronym for Valve Information Tracking And Logging System. It allows the user to operate our equipment remotely while giving you “vital” asset information in the palm of your hand, such as valve location, type, size, turns, direction, and more all in real time, that can be recorded and later transferred back to your desktop. Monitor the valve exercising procedure in detail remotely from the safety and comfort of your truck, keeping your crew out of the elements and traffic where accidents can occur. This information allows the operator to visualize exactly what’s happening at the valve. Adjustable torque control limits include indicators that signal when preset limits are reached, and trigger auto reverse or auto shut down to prevent valve damage. When Wachs Automation and VITALS are combined, they become a powerful diagnostic tool. Digital torque…
Pipe Cutters
Utility Pipe Saws and Cutters Wachs portable pipe saws and cutters are the safest and most dependable in the industry, and are designed to cold cut steel, ductile, cast iron and most common pipe types. Products in the line include our famous Trav-L-Cutter, newly updated to SD Super Duty specification with new heavy duty internal components. Secured to the pipe by a special tensioning/drive/mounting chain, the Trav-L-Cutter SD drives itself around the pipe as it cuts. It’s designed for severing and beveling all common pipe materials, wall thicknesses and sizes from 6 inch O.D. (DN150) on up. Another industry standard is our reciprocating Wachs Guillotine Saw, sometimes called simply the “Wachs Saw”. The family of portable Guillotine pipe saws include models designed to cold cut pipe ranging from 2 inch – 32 inch (DN50-800), anywhere a fast, safe cut is needed. In use virtually everywhere, they’re strong yet lightweight, simple to mount, simple to operate and simply bulletproof. Our newest innovation is our DW (Diamond Wire) Guillotine saws, available in two models with two different size ranges, the DWG 208 and DWG 416. Wachs Diamond Wire Guillotine pipe saws are just one example of safety and efficiency driving our product design. These compact saws utilize top…
Hydraulic Power Units & Hoses
Hydraulic Power Units and Hoses Hydraulic power units (HPUs) pack more power in less space than any other source. Because they’re completely sealed, hydraulics are the perfect choice for partial immersion, offshore use, the desert and other difficult environments. No matter which unit you choose, every model offers Wachs rugged reliability, convenience and perfect flow and pressure delivery.
Valve Maintenance Accessories
Valve Maintenance Accessories Wachs Utility Products offers class leading valve exercising trailers, skid and truck mounted systems in a wide range of sizes and types to fit your organization’s needs. In addition Wachs offers a full range of accessories designed to enhance your teams productivity in the field, making us your single source for many of the tools needed to maintain your valuable water infrastructure. Wachs unique Valve Nut Rx system is a prime example of a product often required by crews in the field. It’s designed to save time and money by replacing rounded or missing operating valve nuts with new, long-lasting stainless steel replacement nuts, rather than replacing the valve itself. It includes an extractor tool arm to reach down inside the vault to remove the old operating nut, and an installation tool arm to install the new nut on the valve. Stainless steel replacement nuts are available singly or in kits once the initial supply is expended. Other products include our Valve Box Buddy, an electromagnetic device for lifting steel and iron box covers while standing, designed to help prevent back injuries. Wachs offers two models of hydraulically powered submersible pumps, with the largest able to pump…
Used Equipment If your budget does not currently allow for the purchase of new equipment, explore our inventory of used equipment. We frequently update our inventory, so check back often.
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