Hydro Excavating
Vac-Con hydro excavators are built with top quality pumps, blowers, and control systems. Whether excavating, trenching, or daylighting, you can expect top performance under tough conditions.
Vac•Con®, in cooperation with Vector Technologies Ltd, is proud to introduce the Mudslinger™ line of powerful, yet compact, trailer-mounted vacuums. These machines combine a high-pressure/low flow water jet system with a high-performance industrial vacuum. The Mudslinger is designed and manufactured for Vac•Con, adding the power of portability to an impressive line of truck-mounted combination machines, excavators and industrial machines - all accessible through the extensive Vac•Con dealer network. The Mudslinger provides the same rugged construction, quality and field-tested durability that both Vac•Con and Vector owners have relied upon for over three decades! The Mudslinger can be configured to meet your specific demanding requirements.
The Mudslinger MXT is your answer for municipal fleet solutions. Derived from our military/municipal specifications, this unit is available in a range of options to take on the tasks of government departments. The MXT is an economical, truck-mounted hydrovac machine. The simple design and configuration make it easy for operators of all skills levels without sacrificing power or performance known from Vac-Con units.
The X-Cavator™ enables you to locate and safely excavate around delicate utilities without damaging them. There is no application too tough for the X-Cavator™. Order yours with specific, powerful options to handle those crucial excavation jobs like:
- Trenching
- Potholing/Daylighting
- Exposing underground utilities
- Water & sewer repairs
- Highway & street repairs
- Propane & gas tank remediation
- Long distance & congested area excavation
- Oil & gas distribution lines
The Vac•Con X-Cavator EXT is designed to take on the harshest environments that operators venture into. Contractors and municipalities alike will discover that the all-new X-Cavator EXT is built to exceed their demands. The X-Cavator EXT is at home in:
- Oil & Gas Fields
- Heavy Construction Zones
- Utility Sites
- Telecommunication Sites
- Urban & Rural Terrain
- Daylighting and exposing underground utilities
- Soil trenching
- Debris removal
- Piling hole excavation
- Cold weather digging